

Ghost Light Radio Show | ghostlightradioshow.com | 717.381.5472
Double Shot | doubleshottheband.com | 484.369.9620
​3 West | 3westproductions.com | 973.800.4573
Rad and Kell | radandkell.com | radandkell@gmail.com
RP Productions | rpproduction.com | 717.364.7014
Swing Street Jazz Combo | 717.875.9707
Dave Mell Blues Band | davemellbluesband.com | 610.775.4111
The Vincent James Band | vincentjamesband.com | 215.643.9898
The Craig Satchell Experience | www.craigsatchell.com | 610.348.2287
The Usual Suspects | usualsuspectsbandpa | 717-413-5547
The Black Ties | 848-222-4224 | blacktiesofficial

Elite Entertainment | eliteentpa.com | 717-327-8170
Occasions Disc Jockeys | occasionsdjs.com | 717.413.0773
Klock Entertainment | klockentertainment.com | 717.836.7366
DJ Mast Productions | djmast.com | 717.951.5221
30 West Entertainment | 30westentertainment.com | 717.380.3622
Top Hat Entertainment | tophatdj.net | 717.285.2122
Mixed Up Productions | mixedupproductions.com | 717-635-9558
RP Productions | rpproduction.com | 717.364.7014
Titus Touch | titustouchmusic.com
Dj Ezv | 717.406.6983 | soundcloud.com/djezv
DJ Rip Productions | www.djrip.net | 717-669-9767
Andrew Mayers | ajmtechsolutions.com | 717-980-7790
Complete | completepamd.com | 717-285-7670
Baker Event Co. | bakereventco.com | 717-690-1091
Fin Entertainment | fin.entertainment.com
CBM Productions | 484-354-3602 | Facebook.com/cbmproductions
St Patrick Sound | 717-443-8739 |
Reilly Entertainment Group | 610-417-6999 | reillyentertainmentgroup.com
Orama Productions | 717-669-9767 | www.oramaproductions.net

Heading 1
Rosie's Creative Cakes | rosiescreativecakes.com | 717.898.9156
Bella Manse | bellamanse.com | 717.871.6868
Oregon Dairy | oregondairy.com | 717.656.2856
Parlor Doughnuts | 717-824-4297
House of Clarendon | houseofclarendon.com | 717.290.7800
Byers Butterflake | byersbakery.com | 717.656.6803
Duck Donuts | duckdonuts.com | 717-435-9655
Strasburg Bakery | strasburgbakery.net | 717.455.0215
The Flour Child | theflourchild.com | 717-431-8877
New Holland Coffee Co | www.newhollandcoffee.com/new-holland-coffee-truck
Sweet Shenanigans Cupcakery | www.sweetshenaniganscupakery.com | 717.768.3164
Pastry Paradise | 717-844-3967
Achenbach’s Pastries, Inc. | 717-656-6671 | www.achenbachs.com
Pollinate | www.shop-pollinate.com | 717-696-5738
Petals with Style | petalswithstyle.com | 717.392.4000
Sandra Porterfield | slpfloral.com | 717.284.2768
Floral Designs of Mt. Joy | floraldesignsofmountjoy.com |
Lavender and Lath | www.lavenderandlath.com | 717.380.1428
Heather House Floral Designs | heatherhouseflowers.com | 717.459.3023
Splints and Daisies | splintsanddaisies.com | 717.735.1500
Pinewood & Posies | 610.593.5416
Custom Florals Wedding Design | www.customflorals.com | 717.468.5465
Wedding Flowers by Cyndi | weddingflowersbycyndi.com | 717-464-5718
Make Your Day Design | makeyourdaydesign.com | (610) 613-9132



JS Photography |www.jjsphotographybiz.com | @jjsphotographybiz
Iron and Pine | www.ironandpinephotography.com
Rachel Nolt Photography | 717-940-3191 | www.rachelnoltphotography.com
Samuel Warde Photography | www.SamuelWarde.com
Emma Dallman Photography | www.emmadallman.com | 484-547-1817
CM Photography | www.murphyandco.squarespace.com |
Megan Hoffer Photography | www.meganhofferphotography.com |
Love Story Photography | www.lovestoryphotopa.com | 717-654-7810
W Raven Design | www.wraven.com | 717-503-3343
Christie Heimbach Photography | www.christieheimbachphotography.com |
Tyler Trippett Photography | www.tylertrippett.com |
Kailey Edwards Photography | www.kaleyedwardsphotography.com |
Nicole Blair Photography | www.nicoleblair.net | 717-201-5798
Sage Design & Co. | www.sagedesigncompany.com |
Julie Liz Photography | www.julieliz.com |
Heather Marie Photography | www.heathermlphoto.com | 717-381-7170
Ashlee Zimmerman Photography | www.ashleezimmerman.com | 717-460-5839
Erin Lyn Photography | www.erinlynphotography.com
Vince Ha Photography | www.vinceha.com | 717-372-8689
Annie Sharp Photography | anniesharp.com | 717.587.7432
Tony Gibble | Tonygibblephotographyweddings.com | 717.203.3190
Matt & Nat | mattnnat.com | 717.940.8605
Todd Spitler Photography | toddspitler.com | 717.390.0759
Fly Away Home Photography | flyawayhomephotography.com |717.940.2346
April and Bryan Photography | aprilandbryan.com | 717.925.0525
Melania Marta | melaniamphotography.com | 717.239.9411
Ben Reeder | benreederimages.com | 717.964.8863
Douglas Benedict | douglasbenedict.com | 610.217.6455
Double H Photography | doublehmedia.com | 717.283.6070
Erin Keough Photography | erinkeough.com | 717.659.1148
Conte Photography | contephoto.com | 717.393.0656
Complete Weddings| completelancaster.com | 717.285.7670
Stacy Parmarter Photography | | 717.629.8531
Frank King | www.photographybyfrankking.com | 717.968.8406
Encompass Photography | www.encompassphotography.net | 717.575.0975
Visual Image Photography | www.visualimage.info | 443.299.7183
KE Photography | www.kepotograph.com | 703-651-6067
2 Artists Photography | www.2artistsphotography.com
Megan Marie Photography | www.meganmariephotoslancaster.com | (717) 799-8773
Bodnar Film Co. | www.bodnarfilmco.com
Tori B Photography | toribphotoco@gmail.com
Frank E. King Photography | www.frankkingphotography.com | 800-356-3631
Vivace Strings | vivacelive.com | 717.572.3024
Gliss & Air - Duo for Flute and Harp | glissandair.com | 717.393.5000
Dottie Stoltzfus - String Quartet | 610.689.8931
Harp Excellence | harpexcellence.com | 610.345.9177
Cherrywood String Quartet & Ensembles | cherrywoodensembles.com | 484.269.8238
Allegro Music | www.allegroeventmusic.com | 484-341-8842
Bagpipes – John Dreibelbis | 717-887-7946

MK Wedding Films | mkweddingfilms.com |
Editing Life | editinglife.com |
JR Videography | 724-710-8662
StudioChest Films | studiochest.com
Golden Candle Design | www.goldencandledesign.net | 717.658.4215
Justice Films and Studio | AVbyEric.com | 301-712-8884
Sugar Leaf Films | sugarleaffilms.com | 717.831.8578
JD Video Productions | jdvideopro.com | 717.566.7280
Video Dye Productions | videodye.com | 717.293.7170
Complete Weddings| completelancaster.com | 717.285.7670
Invision Video Productions | www.invisionvideopro.com | 717.201.1892
Special Occasions | specialo.com | 717.299.4642
Choice Party Linens | Choicepartylinens.com | 610.532.3140
Premier Linen Company | premierlinenco.com |717.426.4000
Shumaker Plan Design Transform | shumakerpdt.com | 717.735.0769
Rental World | rentalworldpa.com | 717.397.3663
Ace the Party Place | acethepartyplace.com | 717393.1707
Tents for Rent | tentsforrent.net | 717.733.9700
Hess Tent Rental | hesstentrental.com | 717.665.6957
Treasured Events | www.treasured-events.com | 717.283.6218
Dark Side Vinyl Graphix | 610.207.2681
Best Celebrations and More | 717.333.5563
Something Vintage | 717-572-5789 | www.rentsomethingvintage.com

Rivertowne Trolley Co. | rivertownetrolley.com | 717.575.0991
Unique Limo | uniquelimousine.com | 1.800.298.8053
Elite Coach | elitecoach.com | 717.733.7710
Superior VIP Limousines | superiorviplimousine.com | 717.951.1234
Shultz Transportation | Shultztransportation.com | 717.464.5800
Bailey Coach | www.baileycoach.com | 717.718.0490
Paradise Limos | 717-874-8815 | paradiselimousine.net
Rev. Kelly Jo Singleton | revkellyjosingleton.com | 717.471.3599
Rev. Sharon Marquet | openheartministries.com | 717.737.8360
Rev. Chris Rodkey | 717.824.6397
Rev. Anne Mason | uuclonline.org | 717.393.1733
Lovingly Done | Rev. Karen Shultze | lovinglydone.com | 716-570-8790
​Scott Smith | chaplainscotto8771@gmail.com |

Make-Up & Hair
Visage a Visage | visagevisage.com | 717.299.5315
Patricia Solis Make-up and Hair | patriciasolis.com | 717.283.7477
Blush Beautiful | blushbeautiful.com | 717.823.2044
Bella By Design | bella-bydesign.com | 484-557-8802
Carmina Cristina | carminacristina.com | 717.343.2805
Shades of Blush | shadesofblushstudio.com | 717.606.6268
West London Salon | westlondonsalon.com | 717-940-1333
Becky Brown | www.bbrowndesign.com| 570.369.3972
Carpenter Invitations and Design | www.carpenterinvitationsanddesign.com | 717.842.0231
Designs by Renee | www.designsbyrenee.biz | 717-390-0998
Raise Your Words Lettering | www.raiseyourwordslettering.com| 301-452-5763

Photo Booths
Hey Photobooth | heyphotobooth.com | 717.586.0317
Big Party Photo Booths | bigpartyphotobooths.com | 484.888.2628
Soundwave DJ's | soundwavedjs.com | 717.657.1363
Complete Weddings| completelancaster.com | 717.285.7670
Primo Photobooth | primophotobooth.com
I Love Photo Booths | 1800-450-1813
Incognito Photobooth Co. | www.incognitophotoboothco.com | 610-232-7059
CBM Productions - 360 photobooth | 484-354-3602 | Facebook.com/cbmproductions
Dresses and Tailoring
Renaissance Bridal | www.renaissancebridalsandprom.com | 717.846.0515
Country Threads by Gail | www.countrythreadsbygail.com
Michelle Rene Designs and Alterations | www.michellerenedesigns.com | 717.598.2782
Posh Bridal | www.poshbridal.com | 717-291-9894

Fantastic Fireworks | www.fantasticfireworksinc.com | 443-740-1782
Schaefer Pyrotechnics Inc. | 717-687-0647

Balloons - Best Celebrations and More | 717-333-5563
Massage - Jame Becker | 717-468-7991
Graphics - Dark Side Vinyl | 610-207-2681
Live Painting- Celebration Paintings | www.celebrationpaintings.com | 505-414-5367
Magician - Brent Kessler Magical Entertainer | brentkesslermagic.com | 570-677-2664